Monday, 28 February 2011

27th Feb - Run

Did a (circa) 10km run in the grounds of Ashton Court in Bristol with Aaron and VB. It was a scenic route that Cancer Research use for their annual 10km course and it was quite hilly for the first half. Aaron's cats gave me the usual asthmatic reaction the day before and so my chest was very tight but I just took it steady and had to be careful on the downhills because of my eyes. Overall it was great to double the 5km target by the end of Feb that I had set with the occupational therapists at the end of Dec and to continue the last few big days.

10km - 55:13 (think it may have been a bit short for 10km)

Friday, 25 February 2011

25th Feb - Swim

Went to London Fields Lido for a cheeky swim to build on my first one the other day. Felt ok so pushed-it, and over the moon to swim 2km. The third 500 felt pretty hammer-time though!

2km - 52:03


Wednesday, 23 February 2011

22nd Feb - Gym

Did a gym session later that day and felt SMACKED! I was ok with the weights etc. but 20 mins on the running machine as a warm-up tired me out. Did a full session but a lesser intensity than normal.

22nd Feb - Swim

Went to London Fields Lido with Mum for a swim. Tried breast-stroke but couldn't get full movement of my left shoulder, but front-crawl was a go-er! Did 7 laps of the Lido with short stops every 2nd lap. The water supported my body comfortably and compared to running, this was much easier. Great to be back in the water.

700m swim

Saturday, 19 February 2011

19th Feb - Run

Did a lap of Vicky Park on the perimeter road. Totally changed and improved my mood, amazing difference. Did a good pace and ran without the glasses.

4.93km - circa half an hour (I think!)

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

15th Feb - Gym

Did a good session, mostly cardio stuff. Ran to the gym and back afterwards.

Monday, 14 February 2011

12th Feb - Walk

Went up Mellbreak from the Kirkstile pub. It was a 400m ascent and 5.17km distance.

I was slow on the ascent and very happy to be out in great weather in the Lakes. My legs were very wobbly on the way down the west path from the col. Must work on strengthening the tanks.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

8th Feb - Gym

Hard cardio and legs session.

Hour and a half.

Eyes improved for about an hour after the session, great to lose the double vision for a bit.

5th Feb - Run

Did a run around Vicky Park.

6.67km - 41:00

More of a proper run! Very glad to hit my Occupational therapists' target of 5km by the end of Feb, so soon. Awesome run. Core body muscles tired afterwards though.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

3rd Feb - Gym

Did a gym session, quite a lot of cardio. Good session.