UK Ironman 70.3 Triathlon, Wimbleball, Somerset
1.2 mile Swim 34:55 (PB)
T1 7:08
56 mile Bike 3:16:31 (PB)
T2 2:04
Half-Marathon Run 1:54:32
Total 5:55:10 (PB by 22 seconds!)
Overall found the day pretty tough and was disappointed not to go sub-5:45 which was my target, and was on after 6 miles of the run. This year the swim was a mass start and was very physical, lots of kicking going on and I'm sure I cold have gone faster in clear water. Having said this the swim was a PB. I was pleased with the bike split and passed a lot of people and took 15 minutes off my bike split PB on this course. The run was disappointing and I gave back the advantage that I had built up on the Bike leg.
My recovery has been quick though and this looks good for the Ironman in Germany in a month's time.
6.2.13 - Pilates with Michael
12 years ago
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