Quelle Challenge Roth, Germany
Ironman Distance Triathlon
11 hours 7:59 (PB by 29 minutes)
Best race that I've ever done in triathlon. Great to get a massive PB in challenging weather conditions, the only shame being missing out on sub-11 hours, but that is definitely do-able.
The swim went well and felt a lot faster than 1hr 13. Two people I spoke to agreed that the course was probably a bit longer than 2.4 miles with their times also about 10 minutes longer than expected. My swimming has been great over the last 2 months and so I was hoping to go just over the hour so it definitely felt longer than 2.4 miles at the pace that I was going.
The weather had been rubbish all weekend and the race started in the rain on Sunday morning. Heavy rain carried on for 80% of the bike and then there was a huge down-pour with about 10km to go on the run. This didn't help at all, and the bike was very cold as a result of the heavy rain.
Roth is a fast bike course (although not as flat as Austria's course last year) but I was not expecting to beat my 2007 bike split by 28 minutes and this is really where the majority of my PB came from. I felt much stronger on the bike and to be honest this is where there would have been a time saving if any on Sunday, because I went hard on the swim and couldn't have run any faster on the day. V.pleased with bike.
I came off the bike needing to run a 3hr 54 marathon in order to break 11 hours overall and for about the first time ever I didn't really feel jelly bike legs in the first 10km of the run. I ran 1hr 50 for the first half marathon so was on schedule and apart from the usual G.I. stomach issues, felt strong and confident. Unfortunately the wheels fell off in the 3rd 10km and I just couldn't hold the pace. The course got a bit hillier and there was torrential rain, but I just couldn't hold 5:30 per Km and so sub-11 went out the window. My last 10km was ok but my legs were a total mess and I my eyes were couldn't really focus and I was starting to get tunnel vision. Probably just down to fatigue, as my nutrition was good throughout the race. I ran 4hrs 2 mins which is 3 minutes better than last year too.
Hinksy has been a total legend over the weekend in helping out, driving me around and sorting logistics - what a star, couldn't have done it without his support.
My recovery is going well and I feel a lot less beasted than 2 days after last year's race. No injuries to speak of, obviously lost a few toe-nails though.
Already thinking about what races I can do in the 2009 racing season...oops!
Swim ----------- 1hr 13:12
Transition 1 --------- 5:45
Bike------------ 5hrs 42:50 (PB)
Transition 2 --------- 3:54
Run ------------- 4hrs 2:20 (PB)
Total -----------11hrs 7:59 (PB)
6.2.13 - Pilates with Michael
12 years ago
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